When Buddy the pitbull went to play in his yard, everything seemed normal. The dog was actually in terrible danger.
Buddy’s owner, Kaleb Benham, was inside while the dog was playing. Then he heard something strange.
“I heard a growl, looked over the hillside, and about 75, 100 feet down, the bear was dragging him by his head. Got his head in his mouth.” – Kaleb Benham.

A huge bear had attacked Buddy. Kaleb knew that he had to save his dog.
He bolted out of the door and ran as fast as he could to the dog and the bear.
Then Kaleb slammed into the bear and tackled him.
Next, he seized the bear by the throat and hit its face.
Eventually, the bear released Buddy from his jaws. Then it ran away.
Buddy was in a terrible condition. His face was covered in blood. Kaleb thought that Buddy wouldn’t pull through.
So Kaleb picked the dog up and rushed to the vet.
At Mother Lode Veterinary Hospital, the vets were horrified to see what had happened to Buddy. They had no choice but to perform emergency surgery on him.

The vets got to work, inserting tubes into Buddy’s head to drain away fluid.
Kaleb was watching anxiously throughout the surgery. For four hours, he peered for the window, hoping that the vets could save his best friend.
Then one of the vets came up to Kaleb. He told him that the operation had been a success.
Once the vets were finished up, Buddy was back with his owner. The dog’s face was covered in staples and stitches. But Kaleb was so grateful to see that he had pulled through.
And the dog was so happy to be back with Kaleb. Buddy knew that Kaleb had saved his life that night.
A man’s love for man’s best friend is a powerful force. Kaleb Benham from Grass Valley took on a 350 pound bear that was attacking his rescue dog, “Buddy.” Kaleb said he heard a growl the saw the bear dragging buddy “by his head.” So he tackled the bear and punched it pic.twitter.com/XAhTrS2AEC
— Anna Giles (@AnnaGilesTV) December 4, 2020
The next day, Kaleb stayed close to Buddy’s side. The dog was clearly in a lot of pain. But he was still his old happy self.
Soon, Buddy was feeling confident enough to go back into the yard again.
But later that night, Kaleb heard a noise outside again. He peered outside and saw the bear once more.
Then Kaleb saw the bear again the next day.
“It made an attack and had its food, and its food got taken from it, and it wants it back.” – Kaleb Benham.
Kaleb also stressed that he held no ill will toward the bear.
He knew that the animal was just following its instinct. However, he did hope that the government would act to catch and move the bear sometime in the future.
And this wasn’t the first time that Kaleb had saved Buddy.

A couple of years ago, he adopted the dog from a shelter. Pitbulls are notoriously hard to adopt. But Kaleb wanted to give his dog a chance at a good life. This story proves that Kaleb is indeed an incredible owner.
Buddy now knows that Kaleb would risk his life for him. Hopefully, he will recover from his injuries soon.
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